Our latest Chief Happiness Officer Academy was a huge hit with 18 engaged participants from 12 countries who are now ready to go out and make workplaces awesome.
The only thing that wasn't great about the Academy was the Copenhagen winter weather, but that might be a good … Continue Reading ››
Our latest Chief Happiness Officer Academy was a huge hit with 23 engaged participants from 14 countries who are now ready to go out and make workplaces awesome.
We were completely blown away by how engaged and passionate the group was and how open they were about sharing questions, stories and experiences.
We had a great time … Continue Reading ››
Participants from 16 countries at the CHO Academy in June 2019 in Copenhagen
Our regular CHO Academy in June sold out very quickly and had a long waiting list so we added an extra one in November. That one is now also sold out, … Continue Reading ››
Meet the graduates from our 9th CHO Academy - 24 people from 16 countries came to Copenhagen for our intensive 3-day training in the theory and practice of happiness at work.
We had a fantastic time both in the training, on the site visit to IIH Nordic … Continue Reading ››
We are really excited for our next Chief Happiness Officer Academy this month. 25 participants from 16 countries are coming to Copenhagen to learn all the theory and practice of creating happy workplaces.
Amazingly, the Academy sold out … Continue Reading ››
Graduates from 8countries ready to create happy workplaces
Our latest Chief Happiness Officer Academy was a hit. Engaged participants from 8 countries (USA, Argentina, Mexico, Turkey, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Belgium and Czech Republic) all contributed with high energy and tons of great ideas and questions over … Continue Reading ››
In June we had our latest Chief Happiness Officer Academy, which is our longest and most intensive training on creating happier workplaces.
The Academy was completely sold out with 25 participants from 15 countries (and a long waiting list) and it was … Continue Reading ››