Top 5 myths about workplace stress

Here’s some typical thinking on workplace stress: Mike is getting stressed at work, but that’s just natural these days. In fact, if Mike isn’t stressed, it probably means that he’s not really crucial to the organization. The solution is to let Mike work less and with fewer responsibilities for a while until he recovers. Or … Continue reading Top 5 myths about workplace stress

Journey into leadership: Two interesting days

This post is part of a series that follows A.M. Starkin, a young manager taking his first major steps into leadership. Starkin writes here to share his experiences and to get input from others, so please share with him your thoughts and ideas. Dear me! – and dear anyone. Let me pick out two significant … Continue reading Journey into leadership: Two interesting days

Ask the CHO: Fighting the cult of overwork in upper management

Stan has some questions about the cult of overwork: 1) When/where did the cult of overwork start? Or has business/marketing/office work always been a race towards more & more hours? 2) Upper management at our company work 6+ days a week, have sacrificed their family lives for the past 15 years to build the company, … Continue reading Ask the CHO: Fighting the cult of overwork in upper management