Category Archives: Book Reviews
My book reviews. Fiction, non-fiction and mainly business literature. These are all excellent books, ’cause I never review the books I don’t like.
My 5 favorite books on the research into happy workplaces
Book review: Chief Joy Officer by Richard Sheridan
Book review: Payoff by Dan Ariely
Book review: Everybody Matters by Bob Chapman
Book review: Joy, Inc by Rich Sheridan
Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love by Rich Sheridan came out December 26 and it's the single best business book I have read in a long while.
Menlo is a software design and development company in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They have built a culture that removes the … Continue Reading ››
Book review: Inside Apple by Adam Lashinsky
I just finished reading Inside Apple by Adam Lashinsky and I was struck by two observations:
1: Apple gets a lot of things exactly right and some other things exactly wrong.
Ie- the design-driven development, the commitment to making great products and the pride their employees can take in contributing to that are all fantastic.
On … Continue Reading ››
Book review: Best Practices are Stupid by Stephen Shapiro

Innovation is a term that gets thrown around a lot but it also seems like there is very little new in this area. You keep hearing the same old advice, the same brainstorming exercises, the same admonitions to just open … Continue Reading ››
Let’s play some Personality Poker
Steve Shapiro's new book Personality Poker comes out next week (October 28, to be precise) and I really, really urge you to get it.
I've been fortunate enough to've read both an early draft and an advance … Continue Reading ››
Book review: Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
There are some companies that seem completely unafraid to do things differently. While others cling desperately to business as usual, I admire organizations who try alternative ideas and Zappos is one of these companies. For those outside of the US who have not yet … Continue Reading ››