A Fast Company article from 2002 tells the story of a Canadian gold mine threatened by bankruptcy:
McEwen [the owner] believed that the high-grade ore ... was present in parts of the 55,000-acre Red Lake stake -- if only he could find it...
Eventually, the group's attention turned to the Linux … Continue Reading ››
The OScar Project is an attempt to design a car using an Open Source, web-based approach. Anybody can contribute to the concept and design at the website.
I loved this quote from the site:
You can't treat a car like a human being. A car needs love.
- Walter Röhrl
To get results you must get a really good CEO. To get a really good CEO, you must pay a very high salary. That's established wisdom. And it's wrong!
James Surowiecki wrote the excellent book The Wisdom of Crowds that showed how heterogeneous groups of people can be better at making decisions than individuals or groups … Continue Reading ››
I'm writing this blogpost on my laptop in the Firefox browser as usual, but this time... IT'S RUNNING ON LINUX. Penguins rejoice!
I've been wanting to install linux on my laptop for a while because lately it's been running slower and slower - a typical syndrome for PC's running Windows. All the usual windows remedies gave … Continue Reading ››
When you look up Encyclopedia Britannica in Wikipedia you get this excellent article.
When you look Wikipedia up in the Encyclopedia Britannica you get this:
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The exercise revealed numerous errors in both encyclopaedias, but among 42 entries tested, the difference in accuracy was not particularly great: the average science entry in Wikipedia contained around four inaccuracies; Britannica, about three.
Only eight serious errors, such … Continue Reading ››