
I wouldn’t mind seeing my colleagues row past my desk some day.

Nonzero, one of my top 10 books, has a great website with lots of excerpts from the book.

In this great interview, Ward Cunningham, creator of the wiki, says that the power of collaborative development has only just begun to be realized, and open-source software will continue to spur more collaboration and more innovation. I will probably surprise absolutely no one by saying I agree :o)

2 thoughts on “Links”

  1. Anyone who missed Ward Cunningham speaking at EclipseCon can listen to this podcast interview. He speaks about his keynote presentation and the future of software.

    Ward discusses social software, global collaboration and organizing for collaborative projects. He advocates extreme programming and agile development and believes Eclipse is mastering in a big way what wiki mastered in a small way.

    MP3 audio, length 20:01

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