About Alexander Kjerulf

Alexander is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Woohoo inc and one of the world’s leading experts on happiness at work. He is an author and speaker, presenting and conducting workshops on happiness at work at businesses and conferences in over 50 countries. His clients include companies like Hilton, Microsoft, IKEA, Shell, HP and IBM.

You can book Alex to speak at Woohoo Inc.

Alex is also co-founder of Heartcount, the best damn tool for measuring employee happiness.

ECH20151110_DSN237 Alex on stage in Santiago, Chile

Alex has a masters degree in computer science from The University of Southern Denmark, and was a co-founder of the Danish IT company Enterprise Systems.

Alex is the author of 5 books including the international bestseller Happy Hour is 9 to 5: How to Love Your Job, Love Your Life and Kick Butt at Work. The book has been extremely well received all over the world and is available in 11 languages including English, Spanish, Dutch, Czech and Chinese. His latest book is Leading With Happiness: How the Best Leaders Put Happiness First to Create Phenomenal Business Results and a Better World.

His work has been featured in CNN, New York Times, Times of India, The Times, BBC, Financial Times and many others.

And in case your wondering, his last name (Kjerulf) is pronounced a little like care-oolf.

Alex’s speech at TEDx Copenhagen

Pictures of Alex 

More information

55 thoughts on “About Alexander Kjerulf”

  1. Pingback: No Parking
  2. Alex,

    Love your ideas.

    I have a quick question in picture #4 are your in The Bahamas aboard a ferry on your way to Treasure Island?

    Please don’t forget to let me know where I can purchase your book. I live in Bayside,(Queens) New York.

    Thank you for the attention pay to this matter.

    Yaneth Baburka

  3. Yaneth: Yes that is exactly where the picture was taken. I was in the Bahamas for a conference and (of course) combined it with some vacation time.

    Have you been there yourself?

  4. Good Alex,

    Hope all well by you. I am asking again if it will be possible to purchase your book and be shipped to Hamburg, Germany?

    Please advise.

    Thank you.


    Yaneth Baburka

  5. Hei Alex. Sender en hilsen fra Skandinavia og Norge:-). Tar sjansen paa at du forstaar det jeg skriver. Interessant site du har – og et viktig budskap! Kan vi regne med en oversettelse til et skandinavisk spr

  6. Is there a way to have a one on one interview with Alexander for the Radio. Is there a way we can get in touch by telephone?
    Anton Foek
    landline:31 20 623 1274
    cellphone: 31 6 154 38 185

  7. Alex,

    I think , like others have mentioned that the title should be tailored to the specific market/country. I like a shorter title, so it doesn’t seem like a soulless textbook… Congrats on having your book reach a wider audience!

    Pixel Peony

  8. hi Alex,

    I am also a computer engineer and glad to know that you are too. Working in an IT company i can hardly think 9 to 5 as happy hours! I am very much impressed by an initiative take by you to help us to turn those stressed hours into happy hours.


    Saurabh Patil

  9. Happiness at work

    “If it sounds too good to be true – it probably is”.

    Looking at your 10 seeeriously cool places to work one question comes to mind. How do you get to work in a place like that? I know Google has a thousand mile long line of people trying to get in with an extensive interview process second to none. Your chances of getting into a place like this are pretty close to non existent unless you have a few PhDs along with many years of experience under your belt.

    I believe that a large majority of folks know what they would like to do for work but unfortunately a lot of those things are what everyone wants to do and again there is almost impossible access to those jobs. Especially with the “friends and family network” in full swing these days with regards to filling any potential vacancies that miraculously come along. Trust me I have been looking for over a year trying to figure out how to get into something that will make me happy.

    You need the education along with the extensive practical experience to even be considered at places like that. Otherwise you don’t have a prayer of even having your resume / CV looked at. If you are wanting to change careers in order to do something that will make you happy you can most certainly put forth the effort to accomplish all of that but you are talking about many years of perseverance to get it. Meanwhile you will settle for the status quo and unhappiness you are currently stuck in. Great if you

  10. hi Mr.Alex,
    i just attend your speech at IMA indore.it was a wonderful experience…..!!!
    the mission that u r marching for must be recognise worldwide….!

  11. Hi Alex,

    I came across your book in my search for inspiring workplaces, which is something i am greatly interested in as part of my work in sustainability. I am delighted to have come across such a light-hearted and inspiring website such as yours, which is giving voice to something i whole-heartedly believe in. It pains me to think that there are so many people out there, millions upon millions, who just trudge to their job without any joy or passion. I am working towards making buildings, and more recently, companies more sustainable, and am beginning to think more and more that to achieve sustainability within our practices and lifestyles, we must first and foremost be happy. I will continue reading the rest of your book with relish, will do the worksheets and start integrating your very common-sensical and encouraging approach into what i do.

    Thank you!

  12. Alex

    Wish you would come to the US and show us that Europeans are much more productive with the fewer hours that they work.

    Respecting workers and their needs is what is best for business.

  13. Hello,

    Can you tell me where this quote came from?

    Good leaders create devoted followers, but great leaders create more leaders.


  14. Hi Mr Kjerulf, I’m sorry to put your article in my blog without your permision. I have written the source anyway. But i’ve already deleted the post.
    I’ll keep reading your blog… Thanks.

  15. Hi Alex,

    I just wanna say that your blog and what you do is a true inspiration to me. I’m admire your passion and energy for speaking so much about happiness. I feel that these days in society, everything is all about work and all about money and there’s not enough of happiness talk going on around. I look forward to what you say every week! Thanks! Hope to emulate you one day and hopefully there will be more people like you out there who are helping others become happy!


  16. Just wanna ask that if someone uses your website text for his/her promotion would that be a crime? I have gone through a telemarketing website which simply copied & pated your webiste content for promoting their trainig services.

    Do let me know so that I can refer you to that webiste

    Kind Regards

  17. Hi, Alex

    Thank yoy very for your good words mentioned in the new book, to avoid stress and make more happines for duty time.

  18. Pingback: @testbaudson
  19. Hello,

    I read your article on resolving work conflict and I will try some to do that. I did notice you mentioned a special article to come specifically on dealing with insecure arrogant bosses or supervisors. That is my conflict, everyone else i work with is amazing, loving and hard working. He puts me down often in both passive and or aggressive if no one else is around. I would love some advice on this. Thank you.

  20. Mr. Kjerulf looks like such a caring and happy person. Sometimes you can just see when someone has that talent and faith for fellow humans. I am going to search this book because I need help to regain positive thinking and faith in myself.

  21. hi mr alex

    iam student and i want to talk w u on yahoo id,would u add me? i want to speak w u about secret!sorrry about my speaking bcse iam iranian!

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