What I "discovered" was that happiness is not something that happens. It is not the result of good fortune or random chance. It is not something that money can buy or power command. It does not depend on outside events, but, rather, on how we interpret them. Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must … Continue Reading ››
Category Archives: Happy At Work
How to be happy at work
Book review: The springboard
Stephen Denning was faced with a task, which I do not envy him: He was charged with implementing knowledge management in huge and very conservative organization (the World Bank) which so far had not considered itself in the knowledge business.
This book is the story of how he did it - using stories. He found … Continue Reading ››
Happiness at work
Seems a lot of people are interested in happiness in the workplace these days. Check out this Google search.
A few highlights:
These guys are starting self-replicating "Joy at work" support groups.
Tips for hiring the right people.
An article on interpersonal relations at work.
Health and happiness at … Continue Reading ››
A few highlights:
These guys are starting self-replicating "Joy at work" support groups.
Tips for hiring the right people.
An article on interpersonal relations at work.
Health and happiness at … Continue Reading ››
Work is fast replacing religion in providing meaning in people's lives. Work has become how we define ourselves, it is now answering the traditional religious questions: Who am I? How do I find meaning and purpose? Work is no longer just about economics; it's about identity. - Benjamin Hunnicutt, historian and professor at the University of … Continue Reading ››
Book review: Gung ho!
This book, subtitled "Turn on the People in Any Organization", is a really quick read, but it contains some pretty good ideas nevertheless.
The whole book is a a story of an iron plant in America, that's in deep trouble. Profits are down, and the employees are hostile towards the new CEO that's just … Continue Reading ››
My project
Book review: The customer comes second
The title of this book is a deliberate provocation. After endless messages about putting the customer first, Hal Rosenbluth, CEO of Rosenbluth International, says you should "put your people first and watch'em kick butt". (Rosenbluth International is a world leader in corporate travel management, with over 5.000 people in more than 50 countries).
The … Continue Reading ››
Exercise: Talking stick
Talking stick is an excellent way to promote better and deeper dialogue. If you need to slow down the pace of a discussion, to make room for more reflection and listening, consider trying it. It's really simple. Basically, you find a stick (or some other object), and whoever holds the stick can speak, everybody else … Continue Reading ››
Book review: Nuts!
Nuts!, Southwest Airlines crazy recipe for business and personal success is the story of Southwest Airlines. Lars Pind told me about this book, and I have to agree: It's a joy to read about a company that values freedom, creativity, people and, yes, love.
If your driving principles are love and fun, can you … Continue Reading ››
Rational structures of control inhibit creativity. Managing as if people had souls requires that we de-mechanize management and instill it with the diversity and depth of our own humanity. The point is to respect people and allow them to make the fullest contribution they can. We need more reflection in business not more strategizing. Meditation … Continue Reading ››