Hans Henrik H?jberg is asking people to write 100 things about themselves, and submit it to him. So I did, and here it is, in danish.
1.Jeg er en ex-n?rd. 10 ?r i IT-branchen, og nu laver jeg noget helt andet.
2.Jeg har en motorcykel, men ingen bil.
3.Mit fjernsyn er gemt … Continue Reading ››
Category Archives: Life
What’s happening in my life
Life without TV, month 3
My name is Alexander, and I'm a TV-addict. Not a hard-core addict, I just have very little will power when it comes to resisting TV.
If I have a TV, I'll typically watch 2-3 hours a day on weekdays and more in the weekends. The amount of time I spend in front of the … Continue Reading ››
If I have a TV, I'll typically watch 2-3 hours a day on weekdays and more in the weekends. The amount of time I spend in front of the … Continue Reading ››
A new challenge
One of lifes biggest pleasures is doing stuff you don't know if you can. And this weekend I performed with some fellow instructors from Form&Fitness at Alt for Damerne Live.
The thought of getting on a stage in front of hundreds of women was terrifying, but once you're up there it's actually … Continue Reading ››
The thought of getting on a stage in front of hundreds of women was terrifying, but once you're up there it's actually … Continue Reading ››
National Novel Writing Month
NaNoWriMo is a seriously cool project: You sign up, and the idea is that during november 2003, you'll write a novel. To make it easier, there are no quality restrictions, only quantity: You must write at least 50.000 words. I LOVE the idea. This means no agonizing over insignificant details. It means you can't … Continue Reading ››
Free to learn
I recently attended some very different training. I?m used to going to highly technical Java training, to portal seminars and to IT seminars, but over the last couple of years I?ve tried some different stuff.
And it has been great. Not only have I learned stuff that?s way different from what I normally learned, … Continue Reading ››
And it has been great. Not only have I learned stuff that?s way different from what I normally learned, … Continue Reading ››
More books
I'm almost through with the last batch of books, so I've ordered some more. Here's a list of what I will be enjoying soon:
Business titles:
The Customer Comes Second: Put Your People First and Watch 'em Kick Butt (Revised)
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
The Corrosion of … Continue Reading ››
Business titles:
The Customer Comes Second: Put Your People First and Watch 'em Kick Butt (Revised)
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
The Corrosion of … Continue Reading ››
Happy new year!
Happy new year, I'm off to a party.
I hope that 2003 will be the year where we get exactly what we need - instead of what we want or think we want or think we need.
I wish you good fortune, peace and lots of fun.
I hope that 2003 will be the year where we get exactly what we need - instead of what we want or think we want or think we need.
I wish you good fortune, peace and lots of fun.
TietoEnator buys Enterprise Systems
It's official, Enterprise Systems has been sold to TietoEnator.
It's a little ironic that this deal is finalized almost exactly 5 years after we started the company. It's also a little sad, but I truly believe that this is the best option for Enterprise to develop. TE can give the company resources … Continue Reading ››
It's a little ironic that this deal is finalized almost exactly 5 years after we started the company. It's also a little sad, but I truly believe that this is the best option for Enterprise to develop. TE can give the company resources … Continue Reading ››