I have a question for you for an article I'm writing: Have you ever received a bonus or other monetary reward at work, that was given … Continue Reading ››
I want to write another book about happiness at work and I have a number of ideas to choose from.
I would love to hear your thoughts - which of these books would give you the most value? Which intrigues you … Continue Reading ››
I received the following email from a manager who reads my blog and I got his permission to post it here, to get input from all of you. What would you do?
Here's the email:
I have a team of 10 people doing admin based work. The job can be busy … Continue Reading ››
I've been having a discussion recently with a group of people who believe that praising people in the workplace is bad. Among others, they believe that praising others is judgemental and makes the person receiving praise less confident and more stupid.
So here's my question to you: Do you agree? When is praise bad? What's … Continue Reading ››
Punch someone in the face, you go to jail. Be a bad manager who ruins employees' lives for years and you face no consequences.
Why is that? Write a comment - we'd love to know what you think.
We've recently updated and redesigned our YouTube channel and we'd love to know what you think.
Take a look at it - any feedback will be much appreciated.
I've been booked to do a number of speeches about happiness at work in South Africa in March. I'll be in Johannesburg from March 3-6 and Cape Town from March 6-9.
I'm currently working on a book of interviews with the world's happiest leaders. These can be in … Continue Reading ››
Help: What book should I write next?
Some team members resist happiness. What would you do?
A question for ya: When praise goes bad
A question for ya
Check out our new-and-improved YouTube channel
Have you ever received negative feedback at work in a very constructive way?
Know any happy leaders or workplaces in South Africa?
A question for ya
A question for ya: New boss gets the cold shoulder