I'm a wheelchair user due to a neurological condition called dysautonomia. I first fell ill following a viral infection. I started a new job in September and was very excited and very motivated. However my condition means that … Continue Reading ››
I'm a wheelchair user due to a neurological condition called dysautonomia. I first fell ill following a viral infection. I started a new job in September and was very excited and very motivated. However my condition means that … Continue Reading ››
I love what I do and I started this company to become the best employer in this industry. We now have 22 talents (=other companies say staff or employees), and we prefer to keep a very … Continue Reading ››
"Business leaders who want to succeed, must be prepared to make major sacrifices in their private lives."What do you think?
My job has been literally killing my soul for the past 3 years. I have known this entire time I needed to leave. But I didn't realize how seriously I was burning out, and now … Continue Reading ››
Which of these two are more important: happiness or meaningful work? Perhaps I'm asking myself these questions because I'm working in the advertising industry and many people have a rather negative … Continue Reading ››
What's the one thing you wish your manager understood about you, which still hasn't sunk in with him/her?I ask because I'm giving a ton of presentations to groups of managers about happiness at work these days and I'd like to give them an even … Continue Reading ››