Help: What book should I write next?

Happy Hour is 9 to 5 by Alexander KjerulfI want to write another book about happiness at work and I have a number of ideas to choose from.

I would love to hear your thoughts – which of these books would give you the most value? Which intrigues you the most?

Leading with happiness
A book on a new kind of leadership that seeks to maximize happiness rather than profits.

Manners for managers
A short book of rules for managers in different situations – to help managers avoid behavior that is simply rude or bad manners.

Quit already
A book on quitting to help everyone who feels stuck in a bad job get the heck out of there.

The happy team
A book on how to create a happy team.

The customer is always right is wrong
How putting employees first helps them put customers first


16 thoughts on “Help: What book should I write next?”

  1. Hi Alexander,
    I would love to read the book about how to create a happy team. That would be very useful for a lot of people I think.

    And after that you should really write a book on work happiness for solo-entrepreneurs. There is so much taboo here. As a solo-entrepreneur you are supposed to always be happy because ‘you chose it yourself’ but sometimes it is really hard. Sorry for going a bit off topic.

    Best wishes
    Iben Louise

  2. Hi My friend, I think that in this latitudes (South America) subjects like:

    Leading with happiness

    The customer is always right is wrong

    Would be great, anyway we need to get more into the happiness at work philosophy!!

  3. Hi Alexander,

    I would love to read your new book about the happy team.

    All the best to you


  4. I like Leading with Happiness and The Happy Team. Building a team that cannot only work together, but be happy together would be such a plus in the environment that I work in.

    I also like The Customer is Always Right is Wrong and manage by a similar philosophy…..Patients Come Second, a book that shows that by taking care of your employees and putting them first, allows them to put their work first and take better care of their patients.

  5. Creating a happy team would be useful. I’m assuming this book would deal both with recruitment and with helping existing team members.

  6. Hello:

    I think you have a really interesting perspective and niche. Working in The customer experience/service training, and development arena I’d be very interested in “The customer is always right is wrong” especially considering I work for an organization, where we adhere to this philosophy.


    Glenn Lawless

  7. My first choice would be Leading with Happiness. Second would be Creating a Happy Team.

  8. to me leading. …and creating happy teams are pretty close to same thing. As someone who leads a team I could care less about owners of big companies who claim to lead with happiness. I’m in actual operations trying to bring happiness to my team

  9. I, too, would vote for the happy team.

    Writing how to avoid bad manners as a manager could be very difficult as what is considered good management behavior in some cultures may fall flat in other cultures.

    Personally, I could see a market for a collection of the scholarly or case supported stories. If a small part of an organization have gotten your message, it could be easier for them to spread it to the organization if they were supported by such a book.

  10. Manner for Managers! It’s a book that shouldn’t even need to be written, but sadly the world needs this.

  11. I think the leading with happiness book would be great. My organization needs something that would grab CEO/president attentions and get them excited and willing to change the corporate culture to put more value in employee happiness.

  12. I’m in for creating happy teams. I teach elementary school, and I use your blog to help me focus my leadership with my students. Creating a happy team is an important goal if you want your team to be productive and effective!

  13. Hi Alexander,

    Great question!

    I think the ‘how to create a happy team’ or perhaps ‘why the customer is always right is wrong’ type would sell best. And the happy team might make the whole subject more realistic for the people who will have to be the main actors in this play of change.

    What i would struggle with is how to convince them about the ‘why’, why would you want employees to be happy? Isn’t happy a concern for the individual? Isn’t arbeidsglaede (sp?) something determined by the interaction of a certain culture with the individual? What does the manager or organization has to gain by making their employees happy?
    I would very much like the paradigm to shift away from financial gain and spread the focus to happiness and durability, but the right people might need a good ‘why’ first.

    (and yes, am very happy about the G7 and Pope’s new stances on durability, now if we can apply this to labor-related-relationships as well..)

  14. Hi Alex,

    I would suggest a book on Manners for Managers.
    I have seen my share of managers who have forgotten all about simple politeness and manners. They think they absolutely need to multitask while talking to employees, e.g. checking mail or calendar. Or who always reschedule meetings with employees, as others are considered more important.
    They really need to be told off!

  15. I would TOTALLY read a book on putting employees first. And I would buy one for every leader I coach.

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