Allrighty then, I’m outta here.
I’d love to hang around, but there’s fresh snow in the alps, and Patricia and I can’t possibly stay in Copenhagen and leave those pristine slopes unskied/unsnowboarded by us. It would be against our religion. This time we’re going all out and staying for two weeks of fun in the snow.
While I’m gone, I have a special treat for all the readers of I’ve snagged one of my all-time favorite people as a guest blogger.
That’s right, the one and only Traci Fenton, one of the most determined, energetic, creative, fun, visionary people I have ever met, has agreed to blog right here.
Traci is the CEO of WorldBlu, a company dedicated to organizational democracy. She is also the woman behind one of the best conference events I have ever attended, the WorldBlu forum in 2005.
It’s only fitting that Traci should blog here, because we actually met through this very blog – way back in 2003 I wrote about a mention of Traci in Fast Company. Traci saw that and contacted me.
I’ve also pre-blogged a few posts of my own which will come online while I’m gone. Through the magic of technology… (start spooky voice) it will seem as if I’m still here.
And while I’m gone, why not read my best article on happiness at work so far: Make your business rich and happy.
Hope you are both enjoying all the snow:-) Come back in one piece, ok;-) Here in DK the spring has finally arrived, thank you god!
Well we’re back and all in one piece. I only had one major fall where I fell on my butt on an icy slope, and my new padded shorts did their job admirably.