Incredibly inspiring video: Happiness is… helping others

What would happen if you devoted 6 months of your life to helping others – free and anonymously.

The Free Help Guy tried exactly that experiment and in this AWESOME and inspiring speech he shares how he has helped people around the world for no reward and without any recognition.

Almost as a side effect, he also found that helping others made him happier.

He still helps people anonymously, which is why we’ve blurred out his face in the video.

3 thoughts on “Incredibly inspiring video: Happiness is… helping others”

  1. Hi Alex,

    Bingo. I’m seeing great joy by promoting others, by giving my best on my blog and by inspiring people to live their dreams. So much joy is to be had by being a servant, and NOT with an un-deserving idea held in mind. Serve and detach and be open to happiness. What a fab lesson and post. Give freely, be happy and let it all in. Thanks for the share.


  2. Thank you for introducing me to this guy – I just visited his website – hugely inspiring, especially his blog post “Anthony races the tube”

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