Well, Patricia and I are taking a break from lazing at the pool enjoying the Goan sun to sit in the business centre and write a few emails, and I thought I might give a short update for those of you not here and for those of you coming later for the Open Space on Open Space conference.
Executive summary: This place rocks!
I have it from realiable sources that the monsoon season is over, so we’ve hit that magical moment where the weather is perfect (sunshine, no rain, light winds and 30/35C) and the tourists haven’t yet invaded the place.
The indians are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Happy, friendly, talkative and always smiling.
The hotels here are wonderful. I’m staying at the Taj Holiday Village, which though slightly less fancy than Fort Aguada is just as nice and a little more lively. And the pool is better with a swim-up bar. The service at the hotels is incredible – anything you want you’ll get and the surrounding area is beautiful and lush.
I want to commend whoever suggested having the conference here – this is simply a magical place. If you arrive early for the conference and would like to meet up I’m in room 1051 at the Taj – though there’s probably a better chance of finding me by the pool with a good book :o)