Jodee Bock, author of the excellent book The 100% Factor, tagged me for a game of 5 things you don’t know about me. So here are five not commonly known factoids about me:
1: 2-3 times a week, I teach aerobics in Scandinavia’s largest fitness chain. That’s right – I get paid to exercise :o)
2: I’m half Greek, half Danish; was born in Tunisia; lived in Spain as a small child; grew up in Denmark.
3: I may be the only person in the world who doesn’t like chocolate. Seriously – it tastes awful to me…
4: I’m a certified laughter instructor. I took a course in laughter exercises with the Indian doctor who invented them, which means I know how to get groups of people to laugh at absolutely nothing.
5: I’m a voracious reader. At any given time, I’m reading 3-5 different books. I can’t go to sleep at night, without something to read.
The 5th was obvious ;) (telling you as an experienced bookworm)
1 and 4 are really cool :)
So, another mongrel (2) changing the world for the better! There are lots of us around. Kind of inconvenient for binary types, especially Anglo-saxons.
Thanks for the laughter link…..when I give my happiness talks, I always lead an excercise where we laugh at nothing. People think I am weird (duh…why do you think they hire me to do the talk) but they feel better after laughing. Good to know that I am not weird alone.
Pauly: yeah, #5 may not really have qualified as something that “you may not knwo about me” :o)
Keeper of light: You’re right – there are lots of us around, and moe coming all the time. We’ll have to unite some time and REALLY affect some changes.
Scott: You should really consider taking one of the laughter courses – I have never laughed so much in one weekend and the tools have come in handy a few times since then.
Thanks for playing, Alex! I did learn something new about you (I, too, figured out #5!)
Happy New Year!
Not only a mongrel, but also a third-culture kid! We rule.
Jodee: My pleasure. Thanks for the tag!
Deirdre: You force me to agree – we do, indeed, rule!