I took a class in stand-up comedy in New York a couple of weeks ago run by the American Comedy Institute who offer a 1-year version, a 3-week version and (the one I did) a 5-day intensive version for non-New York natives.
The concept for the intensive version is simple: The class starts on a Tuesday and runs daily until Saturday. You get to develop a five minute set and perform your material in front of the rest of the class AND you get private one on one writing sessions with Stephen Rosenfeld (who teaches the class) to go over and refine your material. For your graduation you perform live on stage at a New York comedy club in front of a paying audience.
I love to challenge myself to do activities that let me learn new skills and scare me silly, and few activities have accomplished this as thoroughly as this class :o)
So without further ado, here’s my stand-up comedy debut, filmed on June 21 2008 at The Gotham Comedy Club in New York. It may not be entirely safe to watch at work.
I’m thinking this was so scary and so much fun that I need to do it some more. There are open mike nights every Wednesday at The Comedy Zoo here in Copenhagen. I may have to create a set in Danish and try it out there.
I highly recommend the class that The American Comedy Institute offers – you can read all about it here.
You did great! Wow that must have been a scarry moment when you stepped up that stage
That was pretty good, you had me laughing ;-).
I thought it was interesting how you based the routine around what you do / what you know; was that something suggested by the class?
So brave. Great job!
Always Challenge Excellence! OMG…that got me.
So great! Especially if you know what you are about ;)
Welcome back. I hope you had a nice trip.
It’s so great to see you go out on that stage. You wrote some clever material and I appreciate your message about creating good work environments.
You’ve inspired me to think about what I need to do to stretch myself more.
Happy weekend to you my friend.
Your stand up routine was great. Next time I’m feeling frustrated at work, I’m going to think of the “sparkletude” lady and I’m sure it will make me laugh again.
Hey, bravo! Great job up there man, I don’t post comments much, but you sure deserve it today.
Thanks for sharing! :D
You were awesome. I agree with your message too. We shouldn’t always blame ourselves for a bad situation.
It’s a great skill to have, get up and make the crowd laugh and they will love you.
Really impressive, Alex! Great going!
Be sure to give us a heads up before doing Comedy Zoo :o)
You rocked man! I was LMAO. The audience was a bit lame though. I was howling while watching it. Maybe you were too intellectual for the audience. Given my line of work, I could TOTALLY appreciate your message. Ok, I’m now off to think about Hilary Clinton…
You did great Alex. Nicely done. You have got more sparkletude than anyone I know! Go Alex Go!
Wow! You are amazing! I found your site doing a search for “i took” comedy class” at 5am. Clearly, I’m disturbed and searching. I love your piece. You totally convinced me to sign up for that course. You should definitely become an affiliate. I’ll let you know how it goes.