Audience at my speech in Cape Town
I was in South Africa last week to do 6 speeches for ICAS and some of their clients.
They just sent me an email with the participant feedback, and check this out:
Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you for bringing Alex to SA to come and talk to us. What an inspiration ! I’ve been practicing some of the tips he shared with us and it does make a difference.
Thank you the talk was Great, we really need more of it, and it would be good if the entire company attends.
The talk was awesome and I really took something back to the office with me.
I thoroughly enjoyed the session and would like to encourage my team members.
Thank you to all involved in organizing the talk and especially to Alexander for availing himself and coming to talk to us!!
I really felt inspired and already implemented some of the small changes that can make a huge difference.
I wish my whole department was able to attend, because we could sure use some happiness and enthusiasm in the office!
We should have more of these sessions here at our company. Maybe have one specifically aimed at managers.
I enjoyed it and came back much more in a happy mood.
It is chats like these that gets me going again , back on track & I appreciated the guidance to change my own world with the tips given in the presentation. Thank you for arranging this & I look forward to the next presentation.
I really enjoyed the session and I am tapped into more happiness. Perhaps this would be useful as motivation in one of our newsletters.
I think this should be compulsory rolled out through the whole of our company. That talk was absolutely needed.
It gave me a new outlook towards MY happiness in my workplace. I think Alex is an awesome speaker and does a brilliant job because he is correct in saying happy people produces happier results.
Keep it up guys WOOHOO !!!Thank you very much for your email. I am so glad that I attended the presentation of Alexander Kjerulf on Thursday. It was excellent.
THANKS ,I have learnt a lot and have change my approach already,my colleuges are in AWE about the New man.
It was really very valuable and enjoyable. The session made me realize that it IS possible to be happy at work.
… I think they liked it :o)