Too many people hate their jobs but still stay in them. This is what we know:
- Around 20-40% of employees are unhappy at work
- Hating your job can harm your career, your health and your private life
- Many people are reluctant to quit and stay for too long in bad jobs
This is clearly a recipe for disaster for everyone who feels stuck in an unhappy work situation.
We want to change that, so we’ve declared March 31 to be International Quit Your Crappy Job Day and have created a web site to match at
Here’s our announcement:
On the site you can take a test to see if it might be time to quit and you can read a number of articles about quitting, including:
- Top 10 bad excuses people use for not quitting
- 5 ways hating your job harms your health
- How to find your quitting point and know it’s time to quit
There are also a ton of stories from people who found the courage to quit bad jobs. This one is my favorite.
So if you are not happy at work, take a look at the site. Or if someone you know and love is stuck in a crappy job, consider sharing the site with them.
We want more people to quit, but more than that we want many more people to realize that they have that option. Because if you hate your job, but believe that you are not free to quit and get away, the situation gets much, much worse.