Category Archives: Motivation
JJ Abrams wanted a happy set for Star Wars
Leading with happiness: How Thyra Frank created Denmark’s happiest nursing home
Why EVERY workplace needs a culture of positive feedback – and 5 great ways to do it
Positive feedback not only feels great - it also makes us more effective.
Yet another study (this one from Harvard Business School) confirms what we all know: Receiving positive feedback makes us happier at work, less stressed and more productive. From the study:In the study, participants... were asked … Continue Reading ››
New study confirms that positive feedback increases performance
Yet another study confirms what we all know: Giving employees positive feedback leads to more happiness at work, less stress and better performance:
In the study, participants... were asked to solve problems. Approximately half of the participants were told to ask friends and family members to send them an … Continue Reading ››
Our new study shows bad work days are too common and what causes them
5 things businesses should NEVER copy from sports – and 3 they should
Raises, bonuses and promotions don’t make us happy at work. Here’s what does.
7 steps to handle criticism at work well
A senior leader in a meeting told me that feedback is a gift. How can you ever improve if you don’t know where you need to shore up your skills or work habits? That’s … Continue Reading ››
5 ways to boost your career with happiness
In this hilarious and insightful speech, Rowan Manahan explains that happiness at work (in Danish: arbejdsglaede) is not a pipe dream but the best way to get your dream job, boost your career and become more successful.
Why don't people pay a little more attention (and a whole lot more respect!) … Continue Reading ››