Your mission today is to perform at least three random acts of kindness at work. Three small, nice, generous, funny, surprising, silly, amazing, touching and/or kind acts for three different co-workers.
If you’re stuck for ideas, here are a few suggestions:
- Bring someone a cup of coffee, without them asking
- Leave a flower on someone’s desk
- Leave a nice, hand-written note for a co-worker
- Help someone carry their stuff
- Pass out candy in the hallways
Do you have more suggestions? Write a comment!
For bonus points, do two more random acts of kindness to total stranges on the way home from work.
The Chief Happiness Officer’s monday tips are simple, easy, fun things you can do to make yourself and others happy at work and get the work-week off to a great start. Something everyone can do in five minutes, tops. When you try it, write a comment here to tell me how it went.
Candy is good, but I think fresh fruit is better. Especially for long term happiness.
I really appreciate recognition for work well done, so to role model that for others at my workplace, I do the following: set aside time on Fridays to write notes of praise to the person and their manager. If warranted, I send a “goody”, which is a gift card.
Setting time aside on my electronic calendar reminds me to thank those who’ve helped me during the week, and it gets the weekend off on a great start!
Warm Regards, Kris Lea
Greggles: I agree. But where passing out sweets is… sweet, pasing out carrots may be taken as a hint by some people :o)
Kris: What a great way to pass on appreciation. Fridays are great for taking stock and looking back, and I like that you schedule it in this way. May I use this idea in the happy at work book I’m writing?
Nice and funny inspiration. Greatings frm Denmark
Agree with Greggles (as I read this 7 years later) – promoting long term happiness and health with natural, whole food is a wonderful gesture. Our office recently passed out apples for ‘Go RED for Women’ day and after a medical leave I brought a basket of grapes for the lunchroom. I added a note saying ‘Thanks a Bunch!’ The grapes disappeared quickly. Carrots as a hint? I see handing out candy as a message of ‘You’re fat already, so keep eating.’ :)