Great comments

CommentsThe best thing about writing this blog, are all the great comments it gets. As the blog gets more and more popular (and it’s totally getting out of hand right now, I love it), it seems that I get more and more great ideas, feedback, thoughts, input. Here are a few of my favorite recent comments.

Mack asked why we want to be happy at work at all and a great conversation ensued, including this comment:

I’ve seen businesses make drastic moves and have a groundswell of support from the employees regardless of the sacrifices they endure. I’ve seen businesses throw goodies at employees and they still complain. What it’s about is trust, and it’s more than just having an HR slogan of “we will be trustworthy???. The problem is that corporations don’t want people working for them, they want human resources. Trust?

If you’re arguing to make corporations see the bottom line from the long term picture (by promoting trust and human decency towards employees), you’re fighting the entire history of business in this country, buddy. Good luck!

Yes that is exactly what we’re up against – about 200-300 years of tradition for doing the opposite. Call me an optimist, but I really believe that us happy people are so much more efficient and creative that we are the ones who will define the future of business.

I wrote a post about why happines at work does not mean coddling employees. Frank had a poetic reply:

It’s like removing valleys that make the mountains disappear.
It’s like shortening the marathon..
It’s like a lottery with a money-back guarantee.
It’s like a sponge hammer that won’t hurt you when hitting your fingers.
– Frank Schophuizen


A.M. Starkin’s latest entry is about getting people to buy into some much-needed changes. Here’s one thought:

A dysfunctional team can’t be fixed over night. Use the energy of those who are willing, and once others start seeing results and improvements, they’ll either get on board, or they’ll stay in your way, but if you’re always showing that you really on their side, and want to help, then they should come around.

The comment “My seniors have all adviced me to use fear as motivation??? made me laugh. It sounds like a number of people are already on their way out, and putting the fear of getting fired/laid off over their heads probably won’t motivate them. It’s one thing to say that people need to get their acts together at this time when you’re looking at turning the team around and the business you’re in, but make sure that doesn’t come off as, “do what I say, or else??? because that’ll only make people more disgruntled.

I agree. This process is an invitation, meaning you can invite people to come along, but you can’t push them.

Thanks for all the great comments, people. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m learning and how much I’m enjoying this.

3 thoughts on “Great comments”

  1. Yes, and thank you for having this blog!

    In response to “why we want to be happy at work at all,” I just have to say that work for many is 8 hours a day. That’s 1/3 of your day, or about 1/2 of your waking day. This is about 1/5 of your week, and roughly 1/5 of your year spent at work. And, even farther out, about 1/5 of the rest of your working life.

    To spend that time unhappy is a waste. To spend that time drudging through it all just for the money or just to do it and not really enjoying it or finding any real happiness in it is a waste.

    And when you’re (ok, well, when *I’m*) not happy for 1/3 of the day, it impacts how I feel for the rest of the 2/3.

    Be happy; enjoy work. And yes, a side benefit of that (and the real benefit to companies) is increased productivity and creativity on the job. I’ve been in both “good” and “bad” states of mind in various jobs, and it is obvious that I am much more productive when happy at work.

  2. You’re welcome, LonerVamp :o)

    I could not agree more – those are my exact motivations for being happy at work! That and the fact that I feel like sh…. crap when I’m unhappy at work :o)

  3. absolutely, i’ve realy never been involved with a formal work activity which is evident on my current study status. but the theory of *be happy at work* seems remedial to boredom, work dissatisfaction and poor actual performance. this theory contextuously could also apply in the class room, where one dislikes the subject or the one teaching the subject or probably discomfort from peers, usually resort in poor assimilation which results in perpetual discomfort and failure(poor performance). it’s also pertinent to acknowled unfavourable work conditions, poor interpersonalization (relationship) among employees and social tension and related pressures could unavoidably results in employee demotivation. nevertheless, happiness during working hours superseeds and enables fulfilment.

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