The more I look the more blogs I find that talk about happiness at work. It seems like there’s a regular groundswell of interest in getting love your job – or getting a job you love.
Here are some more of my favorites, that I follow closely and here’s my previous crop of Happy At Work blogs.
The Engaging Brand
Anna Farmery’s blog should be about branding, I guess, but she keeps writing great posts on improving work life and business culture. Check out 10 ways to bring fun to meetings and How to screw up successfully. She also does podcasts – the last one was with Dan Pink and she interviewed me for one this week which will be out next week – we had a blast talking and I think the result will be well worth listening to.
The Performance & Talent Management Blog
Max Goldman writes this excellent blog for consulting company SuccessFactors. He has a fresh, interesting perspective on all things HR.
Hello My Name Is Scott
Scott Ginsberg once forgot to take off his name tag after an event, found that it created an immediate connection with people and has worn one ever since. What a cool, friendly happy idea. Btw: He thinks you should set fire to your TV. I agree!
Zinger on leadership and humor
Having Kjerulf for a last name, as I do, has it’s upsides: It’s distinctive (I’m the only Alexander Kjerulf in the world, for instance) and it gives me access to a very exclusive club. The downside is that only danes can pronounce it. No matter where in the world I go, I’m universally greeted with “Hello Mr. Keh… Mr. K… Mr… How the heck do you pronounce that abomination of a last name, anyway?”
But while being a Kjerulf may be cool, it could never beat being a Zinger. Go read David Zinger’s two excellent blogs on leadership and humor.
The Slacker Manager
Brendon Connelly is a Fortune 500 refugee, now happily entrenched as a university administrator in the Pacifc Northwest of the United States. Check out his management hacks.
Bailey WorkPlay
Chris Bailey writes about work+life+all the wonder in between including spirituality at work and good leadership.
Hidden Mojo
A blog about releasing the hidden mojo in an organization and it’s people. It’s brand new, so go encourage Kareem Mayan who writes it. Kareem’s personal blog is also a great read.
Gruntled Employees
Well you don’t want them to be disgruntled, do you? Employer advocate and counsel Jay Shepherd blogs on how to re-gruntle you people.
Think Positive! Blog
Not specifically work related, but lots of positive thoughts. And you thought my blog was annoyingly positive.
Hi Alex,
I am honored to be on your list… especially since I am in such awesome company! Great list – some new ones for me to check out!
Stay positive,
Thanks for the shout-out, Alex! FYI, I have a great partner in crime on HiddenMojo: Eric Stephens.
Kirsten: You’re welcome – and I hardly need to tell you to stay positive too, do I :o)
Kareem: You’re welcome! Tell Eric I’m sorry I left him out :o)
Just have a look at
It deals with all aspects of Job&Joy.
Though it is written in German, you could easily translate it to English (or French) via the button on the left sidebar.
Hubert: That IS a great blog – fortunately I speak German, so I can read it. Danke!
cuyakot: That IS a nice blog!
Site – very comprehensive and meticulous from all sides, it