Dan Gilbert talks about happiness at the TED conference – A great talk about the nature of happiness and why we’re totally wrong about what makes us happy or unhappy. Also very funny! (via Andrew Ferrier)
Give 100% at work – I always do :o) (via Gelle)
The 37signals guys on happiness – Happiness has a cascading effect. Happy programmers do the right thing. They write simple, readable code. They take clean, expressive, readable, elegant approaches. They have fun. (thanks Antoine Musso)
Check out Superviva – A community for people who want to improve life. Here’s Superviva on work.
VideoKarma – Happy videos from around the net.
Here’s an interesting article. http://www.newyorker.com/talk/content/articles/021111ta_talk_surowiecki?021111ta_talk_surowiecki
quote: “Studies have shown that self-described happy people earn more and are more productive. (Of course, we don’t know if success makes them happy, or vice versa.)”
Jason: Thanks for the link, that’s a great article from Surowiecki. As usual – that guy is amazing.
I agree – and a recent study did show that the link is from happiness to success more than the other way round. More here: