Your mission this monday is to ask yourself who you have been helping today.
Before you leave work, take five minutes to sit down and write down a list of five ways you have contributed today. Five ways:
- You have helped others today
- You have made other people’s lives easier
- You have made others happier at work
It can be big things or small things. It can be helping co-workers, customers, business partners, suppliers or others.
There are three reasons why it’s important to stop once in a while and remember who you’re helping:
- When you help someone, you obviously make the helpee feel good
- It also feels great to know that you are able to contribute.
- It helps you to find meaning in you
- job. Work is now about more than just doing your work – it’s about helping others and contributing to something other than just your own welfare.
Do this exercise today and write a comment to tell us how it worked. If you liked it, repeat it every day this week to get a more complete picture of who you’re helping.
The Chief Happiness Officer’s monday tips are simple, easy, fun things you can do to make yourself and others happy at work and get the work-week off to a great start. Something everyone can do in five minutes, tops. When you try it, write a comment here to tell me how it went.
A daily journal of RAOK – what a great idea, Tom.
Frankly, shouldn’t one journal the receiving end of kindness, and not the giving end? After all what should matter to you is that what you did actually did help, and the receiver of help is a better judge of that than the giver.
That is a GREAT idea Claus – a list of who has helped you today. Thanks!