I’ve been interviewed a few more times around the web recently.
John Wesley of the excellent Pick the Brain blog interviewed me, and asked questions like “What would you say to someone who finds the work they do, of even the entire industry, to be terribly dull?” and “What is the hardest part of standing in front of a large group of employees and telling them they should be happy at work?”.
And I’m this mont’s guru at Oddpodz. Abe Sauer asked stuff like “If there is one pragmatic piece of advice everyone should know about being happy at and with work, what would it be?” and “How did you get into the profession of helping people be happier?”
Also, 2 weeks ago, I was the guest on a radio program on national Danish radio. A panel consisting of three members of parliament and yours truly had a discussion on workplace stress and bad management, based on two of my previous posts, namely 5 myths about workplace stress and How to deal with a bad boss.
That was a lot of fun, partly because the three parliament members are outspoken, smart, media-savvy people – but particularly because the three have wildly varying political opinions. Ellen Trane Nørby is from a right-wing party (by Danish standards), Margrethe Vestager is from a centrist party and Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil is from a party called the Red-Green Alliance which was formed by merging the Left Socialist Party, the Communist Party of Denmark and the Socialist Workers Party and independent socialists.
That is pretty much a guarantee of a lively debate right there :o) You can hear the entire radio program here – in Danish, I’m afraid.
And continuing my recent media exposure, a journalist wrote this piece about making room for emotions at work, based on my blogpost on the same topic.
Btw: If you’d like to interview me for your blog, I’m game. Email me some questions, and I’ll shoot the answers right back to you.