A commenter on my friend Bjarne’s blog tells this story:
Not long ago my youngest son told me “I’ll do anything for money!”
“OK, ” I said “I’ll give you 20 kroner ($4) to pick up the dog poo in the garden.”
“Yuck!!” the kid said, “there’s no way I’m taking a sh*t job like that!”
Kids today – there’s no way they’ll grow up and work jobs that don’t make them happy. That’s why companies today need to shape up and become great workplaces – or they’ll only ever be able to hire old, crotchety types who accept the idea of spending their days in unpleasant or just mediocre workplaces.
I’m telling ya – the future belongs to the happy!
In assorted news, I’m in the Danish media these days. I posted a link to this story at the fine Truthteller blog about a company that hired a happiness manager, and was interviewed for a couple of articles AND live on national radio. Cool :o) Article, article. The radio interview is not available on line yet, I’ll post a link later.
Also, I’m still here – I’ve just found myself very busy this week. There are some good posts coming (including one on the top 10 things managers do that makes employees unhappy) as soon as I get my blogging mojo back :o)
As much as I’d love to agree with you, I’m a little skeptical. You are right in saying that kids have a natural preference to do jobs that are fun and stay away from the, um, stinky ones.
Unfortunately, the generations ahead of them are pretty Adultitis-stricken and they can be pretty convicning. As kids go through the educational system (high school, college, etc.) they are taught many things about the so-called “realities” of life and are often encouraged to abandon their dreams for a more “realistic” career path. Unfortunately, that inborn happiness gets snuffed out of many people.
However, I do think the tide is turning, and I think it’s great that there are people out there like you who are providing a wonderful example of how things could be. Keep it up.
Hi Alexander,
I am a big believer in following my dreams and realizing my passion, and in being happy with what I do. I googled “the client is always right” and that’s how I got here. Just before this, I met with one of my top client, a top financial advisor in our country, but to me, a prima dona who is absolutely unreasonable in our working relationship. She said to me “the client is always right.”, to which I replied ; “only the right client is usually right.”
My inclination against the conventional certainly come at a cost. Its not about loosing a top client. I can’t wait to get out of that buisness. I’m talking about the cost of going against the grain in life itself. Jason is right that it is truly unfortunate the inborn happiness of many kids get snuffed out, pretty much along the 2 decades of education.
Everything that can be seen and touched originated from a dreamer’s dream who went out and made their dream a reality. Many however, has stopped dreaming – their teacher told them to. If you want some ideas who might turn out great, go to the last few rows of a classroom and ask those kids to tell you what they are dreaming about.
I have 3 girls, who hate what they do in school. The upcoming School of the Arts in Singapore just turned down my eldest daughter, who could draw and write much better than myself and she is just coming 13. During a prior presentation, I asked the principal. If there is a kid who is a potential Picasso, but could not meet the academic requirement for the school, would he still be accepted into the School of the Arts? She stammered before saying NO, but it was clear she looked embarassed. But such is the irony!
I continue to be an evangelist in my belief and like Jason, I can’t wait for the future to arrive. The future belongs to those who will truly realise what it means “to be thinking out of the box”!
http://me.truly.to/you is the place my partner CJ and myself will feature unconventional people lke yourself. I’ll place a link back to this blog, if you don’t mind.
Samuel Koh
Life is short. Do you want to be happy? Or do you want to be sad?
Whether we enjoy work or not depends a lot on the supporting framework in a company – the environment, the friendships with your colleagues, the relationship with your clients etc. I remember days of my army life – the training was tough, but we kept going because of the camaraderie between officers, section commanders and the troopers.
I’m all for creating Happiness at Work!
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Sometime ago, i had written about ‘happiness index’ and about Marquette for innovative measures taken to create happiness among employees. Your blog is great source of imspiration for all consultants