Recently I’ve been serving as an expert at The Job Lounge, answering career related questions. If you’d like to see some of the sage advice I and others are dishing out, go check it out.
Here are my answers so far:
What to Study to Make Money and Be Happy
Do you choose your studies based on money or on happiness? Do you even need to choose?
Bad Boss, Bad Reference
What if your boss is a horrible person – but quitting will mean that she will give you a bad reference?
Susan Ireland (author The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Perfect Resume) who runs the site has been getting together a lot of great answers – everything from explaining a gap in your resume to handling a job that ends badly to how to become a dealer in Vegas(!)
Alexander, How much happiness is in the workplace when the CEO arranges for you to deliver a presentation, especially after they receive your account for payment? Bosses from my 39 years in the workforce are never happy to pay for anything that they can’t see a dollar in it for themselves? Or am I missing something?