International gigs coming up

Alexander Kjerulf
I kick it up on stage at a recent presentation

I’ve been doing a huge number of speaking and consulting gigs here in Denmark this year (even though I recently raised my rates significantly), and now it seems that the international part of my speaking business is REALLY taking off too. Just these next couple of months I’ll be speaking at conferences and companies in Sweden, Turkey, India and the US. Wooo-HOOOO :o)

Some of these events are open to the public, so if you’re in one of these countries, please consider attending. I’d love to see you there!

Stockholm, November 6: The Power of Passion
A really cool event arranged by the great people at 4good. I’ll be speaking about passion at work – how to find your passion and how to inspire it in others.

Istanbul, November 28: The 9th Performance Management Summit
I’m giving a keynote presentation at this conference for HR professionals on how happiness at work is the only reliable way to great performance at work.

Indore, December 9: Indore Management Association – Unshackling Leadership
I’ll be presenting on “How to lead with happiness,” ie. how leaders can be happy at work and how they can make their employees happy.

You can read more about my gigs here.

One thought on “International gigs coming up”

  1. Alex:

    Congratulations on the increase in international speaking gigs for you! I’m very glad to see this happening to you.

    I’m curious as to how you think this happened? Was it a marketing thing you did or how did the sharp upturn happen? As you know, I’m a professional speaker myself, thus am curious.


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