I’ll be speaking at WorldBlu Live 2008 (October 16+17 in New York), the best and most exciting business conference I know. The theme is Democratic Organizations, i.e. organizations that believe in and practice freedom, openness, transparency and engagement instead of top-down, command-and-control management.
There will be some GREAT speakers there – I particularly look forward to hearing Bill Taylor, Tim Sanders and Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson, Co-authors of the best-selling Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It.
Another major treat is the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, who have won Grammy awards despite the fact (or because of it) that they have no conductor.
But the most interesting thing will be to hear from CEOs who practice organizational democracy on a day-to-day basis and learn from organizations who know how to do it and achieve success through it.
Check out this short video invitation from WorldBlu:
The last WorldBlu conference in Washington DC was one of the most inspiring business conferences I have ever attended – I have never seen so many cool, fascinating and fun people gathered in one place. If this sounds interesting to you, check out the web site and go sign up.
I also have upcoming gigs in the UK and France, so there’s some serious travel in my future :o)
This is very interesting. The world is leaning increasingly quickly, through web 2.0, to business through collaboration. It makes sense for companies who are ahead of the game, to embrace some of the same principles that make that work. Hopefully there’ll be some kind of webcast for those of us who can’t make it to NYC? :-)
why should we have homework it is so lame. we should band it fo ever. it takes away our free time. we should be talking to our friends instead of very, very, very,stupid homework!!!!