Coolest business card ever

My friend Charlotte works for LEGO and the last time I saw her there, she handed me her new business card.

This is it:

LEGO business card

When LEGO employees get a business card like this, they even try to match the look of the minifig (gender, hair, glasses) to the person.

I love it. It’s a brilliant way for LEGO to use their brand and to create some happiness along the way.

What does your business card look like? Is it fun, surprising and memorable… or is it just like all the other ones out there.

Update: I should probably add that only a few LEGO employees get these – they’re expensive to make so only a few executives and people in PR roles get them.

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294 thoughts on “Coolest business card ever”

  1. Plus 1 for creativity. This is one business card everyone will put on their desk and it will remind them of Lego whenever they take a look at it. Brilliant idea. But let’s hope it does not become an industry standard or I may have to get a second desk to display all these awesome cards.

  2. LEGO definitely gets the award for coolest business card ever. I would love to hand out a little plastic replica of myself at my next event. It’s a great lesson on staying creative, while having some fun, in every area of business.

  3. Very cool! If I got the Lego business card, I would definitely keep it on my desk – until my 3-year-old absconded with it. And the list of creative business cards were extremely inspiring for my upcoming biz card redesign, so thanks much!

  4. That’s wonderful if your work is with toys. I’m with a sanitary service company. Guess, I could have by business card stamped into some green rubber slime?

  5. Tis cool, but even cooler if it actually looks like her. I mean, if she’s an Asian chick with a topknot, I might be less impressed.

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  7. How cool!!

    Lego is right… just because we’re adults doesn’t mean we have to be all business-y and let go of the inner child. :)

    I wanna work with Lego…

  8. ^ thanks, Jan :|

    Wow, working at Lego? How fun! I wonder what it involves?

    Must be a tad more expensive to give them all those, I bet! So worth it. I don’t think I could bring myself to give them away, though!

  9. Those are pretty cool and something that would make me seek out a meeting with a Lego employee. Our are pretty fun, though not on that scale – the cards all have games on the back, including crosswords & suduko – only problem is clients sometimes get distracted in meetings!

  10. I am not sure what makes this a cool idea for Lego?!
    I find it to be the most obvious choice. Yes, good for the brand, but creative- certainly not!

  11. Lego bricks are quite cool. Their business card is also very cool. I’d like to get one of these Business Cards as a souvenir.

    Thanks Alex for this series.

  12. Very very good, love it. I hate to be the negative one here but can you think of the pockets you’d need if you wanted to carry more than 5 around with you at a Conference? I’d have one like that if I could!!

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  16. When my tempermental printer is working, I think I am perhaps the only one doing these other than The LEGO Corporation. For a less expensive alternative I also print on bricks to make “Business Bricks(TM). Just thought people might want to know.

    Working on getting it well –hope to be back in production in few days.

  17. I say that is an amazing piece of marketing collateral. Look at all the positive responses (people wanting to work for lego or wanting to have it). This is what they call “made to stick.”

  18. Out of all the reactions to this post, I get the biggest kick out of the sheer green-eyed envy this seems to give a lot of people :o)

    I should probably also add, that these are only given to LEGO executives, not to all employees.

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  21. This is really unique business card. It’s really cool to work at Lego. I wish I could have that one. Lego employees must be really lucky :)

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  23. Totally cool! It’s one of those “miniature billboards” that not only gives someone the name of the presenter but represents the company they work for in a 3-D way. Spot on! (I hope you don’t mind, but because this is so cool, I’m linking to this from my “mini-blog” on Business Cards.)

    Thanks for posting this!

  24. I think this is amazing! I have always wanted to work for LEGO ever since I was little (back in the 80’s). I’ve never given up that dream but I am a graphic designer? Any chance LEGO is hiring graphic designers?

  25. I always thought Legos were component you combine to create something.. what does she snap her “business card” to?

  26. This is obviously cool – but also incredibly stupid and totally impractical as far as business cards go. It is completely unusable as a business card. Oh, right… that’s because IT’S NOT A BUSINESS CARD.

    How do you carry them? What’s the person supposed to do with it after you give it to them? Where are they supposed put it? How does it fit in a Rolodex? How expensive are they to make?

  27. These are the coolest business cards ever made! Problem is, for people who do a lot of networking, it’s not like you can just throw this in your wallet with the other business cards you’ve collected. Still, I’d rather hand this out than the usual business card you typically see!

  28. just what we need, more plastic junk. this does not function as a business card because it will either be kept as a clutter trinket or thrown away, but cannot be stored with other cards, if that is your practice. in this day and age of diminishing resources this seems a major waste.

  29. As far as carrying around business cards of other people ,that is the purpose of a pda. I mean how many cards can you comfortably carry in a wallet or card holder. As far as where to put them, you build a roledex or a merry go round out of Bricks and then attach. Or if you want to get fancy you build yourself a NXT robotic roledex that will twirl it for you and stop at the correct fig. Or if using Business Bricks(tm) you simply stack them up. And build things out of them or create flow diagrams with them on baseplate so you get a 3d representation of your network.

    If you got one, and you liked it, I am sure you would find a good place to put it.

  30. Very good idea! I want a business card. I don’t really need one, but I just think it would be cool. I was going to go for the design used by Christian Bale’s character in American Psycho (in the colour ‘bone’) but I might have to get a bit more creative, now that LEGO have upped the game…

  31. Cute, but tough to fit in a Rolodex. ‘Probably not as big an issue in the Blackberry age as it would’ve been a few years ago. But I do wonder, if I worked at Leggo, how many of these could I carry around at a time? They aren’t going in my wallet.

  32. Not to be a wet blanket, but for all the commentators who say the Lego is impractical or “doesn’t fit in a Rolodex” – how many people even still use Rolodexes?

    Once I get someone’s contact information it goes into my PDA/phone and that gets synchronized with my electronic contact list.

    And even if I did have a Rolodex (I do have a box with assorted business cards from various and sundry contacts and vendors I’ve worked with), and I wanted to keep this Lego employee’s info in it, I’d just use a blank card (or the back of one of my own) to write the info down and stick it in.

    Meanwhile the little Lego figure would help decorate my workspace.

  33. @ sara – The function of business cards is changing. I agree with Leroy43. The contact information goes directly into the smartphone / PDA. That’s where the contact info is pulled from in case you need to contact that person, rather than carrying around the lego person in your pocket. I don’t know of anyone that carries around a stack of contacts’ business cards in their pocket everyday.

  34. Might be a lot easier to hang an effigy of your boss inside your cubicle with a “card” like this

  35. I suspect that not only do very few get them but they also have paper cards and very few card recipients get these deluxe cards. You, my friend, are part of a rarefied group. Being a super blogger has it’s advantages.

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  37. is it to kids or for business i am confused it would be better for toys shop are business related to childrens but not for sure for adults
    what you all say……….

  38. This is something that someone would leave sitting on their desk for a great deal of time. Really cool branding power.

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  41. My business is turning business cards into business cards on steroids with BusinessCard NoteCards. We take client’s existing business cards and spiral bind them to blank note pages and a year-at-a glance calendar on the backs. Even though they have been around for 20 years, very few know about them. I’m always looking for new ideas and this selection of unique cards was appreciated.

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  43. No actually a business card (hint: look up definition of card), but cool nevertheless as a corporate promotional gift.

  44. I have always liked the lego idea! I’ve seen some who have the lego blocks for their cards, but not a minifig. Very cool. I’m jealous of lego executives. For us normal folks we just look for great deals on printing our cards.

  45. Well, I have a double take on the Lego Cards. As a cute idea between company divisions, seems like a great idea, but as an ‘Actual’ business card it seems rather cumbersome, and just really down right dumb. Everyone knows what Legos are, and don’t need to be reminded, and no one would want to carry one of those around with them, so they would probably put it up, and just write down the information that is on it. That is just my opinion, that’s all.
    OurSpace-The Coolest Social Network site on the Planet!

  46. Very creative! I found a design that has been very successful. It’s everything we look for; it’s alluring, it’s seductive, it’s persuasive. Check it out at I hope your results are as good as mine.

  47. Fabulous idea! I just just imagine the army of Charlotte’s lined up like March of the Wooden Soldiers in her office. As a take away Charlotte can say, “Now let’s build a strong relationship”, or “Let’s snap to it”. Anyway a fabulous idea and the begining of a great marketing non-traditional tactic. Now how can I get my army of Joe’s, so I can start build strong relationships with clients.

  48. I do quite a few of these for LEGO(tm) fans of all ages–both by printing and engraving. Actually was doing them before The LEGO Company. BusinessBricks(tm) also are very kewl-more economical but not quite the kewl factor of a fig.

  49. Too bad with all the effort of blocking her number and email address, top two result of the following keyword reveals them: charlotte simonsen lego

  50. Wondered if you had seen an article in today’s (July 23, 2009) Financial Times newspaper. It covers a lot of the same ground that you do in this article.

  51. Those have cost some big bucks to do. If your looking for any kind of offset printing but cheap check out this company I came across from K2 Print Studio. They don’t do legos but almost everything else.

  52. How cool is that, Lego are just amazing in developing new branding techniques, I would like a business card like that.

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  54. That’s awesome! I wish I had the resources to make something this creative. I saw some pretty nifty baseball-card style business cards the other day that were pretty cool ( But now I want these instead! lol

  55. That has got to be one the cutest business card I’ve ever seen.
    It’s surely a clever way for Lego to make a business card. Since their brand is already widely known just a single glimpse of this ‘card’ and you already know what company the person is working for.

    I got some more posts cute and clever designs of business cards on my blog as well. Check us out whenever you have the time.

  56. Wow, thats so cool. I love it.

    I came up with my own unique business card idea at Instead of handing out a regular business card, I can hand out “Million Dollar Bills” with all my contact info. If you like them let me know and I can make them for you too and customize them however you want

  57. I cannot print corportate logos directly onto the fig, but can do names, email addresses, tele numbers.

    I am working on new product to be released soon called a Fig-TEE which is essentially a tee shirt for a minifigure for LEGO(tm) and other LEGO(tm) compatible brands. On these I will be able to print logo and you can just put them on your favourite fig.

  58. Update: Just got in my sample of injected priatable part and it looks excellent. So you can go out and buy your own minifigure (or buy from me or anyone else) and dress him with a custom printed Tee Shirt, a fig-Tee(tm).

  59. For those who might want a custom fig whether a LEGO(tm) fig or other compatible ones, I have now had custom made a tee shirt that will fit onto a fig. These are call Fig-TEEs(tm) Since these are my own part and are NOT a LEGO(tm) part, there are no legal restrictions to printing your company name and logo onto them. Of course I still can decide what is aprropriate in my estimation and can of course refuse to print anything I do not deep appropriate.

    Tommy Armstrong

  60. consultant and author Alexander Kjerulf recently blogged about a very cool business card he received from a colleague who works for LEGO. Her contact

  61. It may not fit the wallet as others stated, but neverless it’s one of the coolest ideas for a business card I have seen so far. Not just some fancy design, something really new.

  62. And organisations need to challenge their people in this area everyday if they want creative thinking. Take a look at this from Lego

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  66. I don’t work for LEGO but I really want one of these as a calling card for my LEGO fanatatical son.

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