I’ve had to sit on this news for a while, but now I’m finally free to announce that I am one of the speakers at TEDx Copenhagen on November 30.
The theme of the event is “The good life”. As you know, Denmark is often called the happiest country on the planet. I’ll be examining if this is really true, what it takes to achieve the good life and look more at the good life at work. I also have a bone to pick with all the politicians and economists who want us to work more hours in the name of GDP growth. If you think that working longer is really the best path to success and growth, I’ll be showing you exactly why you’re wrong!
Sign up here – and you’d better do it fast. I hear the tickets are selling like hotcakes.
Alex, that is phenomenal… Congratulations!!!
Feeling very happy it will be in English :-)
Michalis P., the talks will be recorded and uploaded to http://tedxcopenhagen.dk after the event. Some of the talks will also be broadcast on Danish national television.
We’re also working on some form of live streaming but that is still very uncertain (it’s pretty expensive and our budget is limited).
Mikkel Marius, TEDxCopenhagen team
This is great news!
Denmark and the world needs to hear and embrace your message of how important it is to be happy at work.
I send my best congrats to you.
Congratulations, Alex! You will knock the socks off of everyone who’s listening! :)
Hmmm, “the good life”… sounds like an interesting theme for the TED event!
What if happiness was the world currency, what kind of work would make us (each individual) rich? What would society be like then? That would be “the best life” huh? ;)
Great luck!
Can’t wait to hear your speech tomorrow Alexander and for those of you who aren’t able to be there, check out http://tedxcopenhagen.dk/live/