Improv Everywhere’s latest stunt is right up our alley: They set up a podium and a megaphone on a New York street corner with a plaque that says simply “Say something nice.”
And people do:
Question: How could this be replicated inside a workplace?
This is great. Generally when I talk to people that work for me – before getting into a status update or anything related to projects we are working on – I try to ask about their weekend or something that is light or compliment them (genuinely) on the work they have done. My parents always taught me – if you need to say something negative – make sure to have three positive things to say as well. That combination seems to work well.
Great post! I agree with Jen, whenever you are talking to someone about a something negative, make sure to sandwich it with a positive on each end.
Absolutely love that idea! Thanks for sharing. Amid so many negative headlines saying something nice is uplifting.
Great Idea! but if it works in the work place really depends on attitude of the staff and also the culture of the work place.
If you admire someone for a particular reason, tell them so
I like it and i like the way what you imagined. Say something nice and Say it loud..It is really funny thing also. I would like to do this in my city corona also.
I make an effort to do this, at our regular friday meeting. When all the complaints has been made and discussed and we are almost ready to return to our workstations i try to say something appreciative – normally i praise one or several co-wokers, and it works!
Great Idea! but if it works in the work place really depends on attitude of the staff and also the culture of the work place
I like this post. Everyone likes a genuine compliment or when someone shows real interest in their lives. My blog also tries to encourage positivity in one’s own life so that in turn you can positively impact the lives of others.
Hi Alex, I have taken your idea and changed it slightly. I have put up a large laminated notice in the staff room at work that says “Write something nice!”. I left a pen stuck next to the poster and let them get on with it. It has been a great success and everybody has been talking about it – which is what it is all about. Any other great ideas? Thanks Julie
Great post! I agree with Jen, whenever you are talking to someone about a something negative, make sure to sandwich it with a positive on each end.
Great Idea! but if it works in the work place really depends on attitude of the staff and also the culture of the work place. ;)