Our new study shows bad work days are too common and what causes them

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Everyone has bad days at work – those really frustrating and stressful days that we just want to be over. But how how often do we have bad work days and what causes them?

Our brand new survey of over 700 employees worldwide shows that bad work days are disturbingly common and reveals some of the main causes.

See the main findings here - it’s pretty fascinating stuff.


3 thoughts on “Our new study shows bad work days are too common and what causes them”

  1. Thank you very much to share this with all of us.
    I think an other problem is that only 20% of people works in jobs in which they love and feel happy, the other 80% need to work because they have to support a family.

  2. HI Alexander, thanks for sharing this blog post, I can understand why most of us feel the same tension and frustration at our workplaces and at our bosses, most of the times our expectations at our workplace are not achieved and we feel bad for it.

  3. Great research Alexander!

    I really just wanted to skim through cause I was short for time, but the research got me reading a lot more.

    Some researchers also believe higher expectations could lead to a bad work experience. That is if a person simply considers the job to be something they have to do properly to pay the bills, there is less room for disappointment. Much less than someone who aims for fulfillment and satisfactions from their job. It sounds ironic, but there is basic truth to it.

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