How do you make young employees happy at work?

One of the biggest challenges for companies these days is to attract, retain and motivate young employees.

There is a huge debate on how Millennials and Gen Zers are spoiled. They come into the workplace expecting recognition, professional growth, meaningful work and reasonable working hours. Many managers struggle to relate and ask “What is wrong with young people these days?” We ask “What is wrong with everyone else, that we’ve given up on those things?”

McDonald’s Denmark relies heavily on young employees and have handled this challenge so successfully that they’ve won first place in the Danish Great Place to Work awards several times.

At our international conference on happiness at work in 2017, their head of HR Mette Hybschmann shared how they created a workplace culture where young employees are  happy and motivated and experience professional and personal growth. You can see her entire speech here and get lots of specific ideas for motivating young employees.

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