Monthly Archives: December 2007
Creating peak experiences for employees and customers is a no-brainer. You gotta do it.
- Chip Conley
I agree - it's a total no-brainer! It's also easy. And cheap. And companies who do it find that it makes them a LOT of money.
Of course my interest is in creating peak experiences for … Continue Reading ››
“Office Lady” from Hong Kong is back – and still not happy at work
A while back I got a comment from Office Lady in Hong Kong who wrote that:
I’ve been miserable at work and, although it took me almost a year, I eventually built up the courage, and I’ve finally quit my job!! I think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve … Continue Reading ››
It’s true – I’ve been a bad boy
Thank you, Indore (India)
Happiness in achievement
My friend Annette (who is the CEO of Årstiderne) sent me these inspiring words:
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement, the thrill of creative effort. The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy. Happiness does not come from doing easy work. It comes from the afterglow of satisfaction … Continue Reading ››
IMA presentation
I would like to say a warm thank you to everyone who attended my presentation at the Indore Management Association's conference. It was an absolute pleasure.
As I said, I do believe that India has a unique chance right now to become not only prosperous but happy - and that means creating lots of happiness at … Continue Reading ››
Happiness at work – 5 tips to try today!
James Parr at Omniblog has a great post on happiness at work, and how any company can become happy:
Now you might sit here reading this and thinking “yeah, that’s all very well in another company, but in ours where we’re just making widgets day in day out, who’s going to … Continue Reading ››
Branding yourself with happiness
While I'm traveling the world making people happy at work, here is a guest post by Dan Schawbel. Dan is the lead personal branding expert for generation-y. He blogs at The Personal Branding Blog, publishes Personal Branding Magazine, directs Personal Branding TV, and is the … Continue Reading ››