Yaaaaaay: My first book is now out in Spanish!!!! You can read it free online, or buy it on paper for 27 euros or as a pdf ebook for 17 euros.
You can read all about it at www.felizentutrabajo.com.
The title in Spanish is “La hora feliz es de 9 a 5 – Cómo adorar tu trabajo y tu vida y arrasar en tu empresa” and it was translated by María Rodríguez de Vera of Contentspanish.
But wait – there’s more: My book is also coming out in Danish in March which is really exciting and I’ve been talking to a Chinese publisher about a version in simplified Chinese AND to an Iranian about translating it to Farsi!
Nice to hear. Only one problem: why is the Spanish version 40% more expensive??
Great to hear that!!! Congrats!
Just one small question, Why is it only “Happy at work”????
The best title in my opinion as a Mexican & English-Spanish Translator would have been:
Hora feliz de 9 a 5.
Aprende como amar tu trabajo, crear un gran negocio y ser un buenazo en tu trabajo.
But then again your translator might have taken the decision to do it that way for a specific reason, no?
Congratulations once again Alex!!!
I have to admit that I had not heard from you until I saw the Spanish book. I am reading it, and I see an expression that is often wrongly used. I mention it to you because the translation is in general very good, but has this little problem. You may pass this comments on to your translator, or forget them, as you wish :-)
The expressi
You can already read the complete Dutch version ‘Happy Hour is van 9 tot 5’ online. I have already ordered the first book for a final check. When everything went OK, you can order it online (via Lulu.com) in just a few weeks.
The URL to the site is changed to http://www.happyhourisvan9tot5.nl
Would it be possible to change the link in the previous comment.
I click on ” read it free online “, and also on “You can read all about it at http://www.felizentutrabajo.com” but there´s nothing!!!!!… where can i get the spanish version? I want to read it, please send me the right adress.