My book is coming out in Chinese in January – I’m totally psyched about it!
My Chinese publisher just sent me the cover design. Feast your eyes on this:
Click for full size.
My sense is that China needs some happiness at work bad! The success of Chinese businesses in terms of growth and profits can’t be denied but not many people actually seem to enjoy what they do.
What’s your take? Does China need a little happiness at work? Can it even be done, considering current typical working conditions as well as China’s unique culture and history?
My Chinese isn’t so good, but I think the title roughly translates to “How to take control of your happiness with(in) work”. I think the nuanced meaning gets at what you’re going for, though. (Someone else can correct me on this.)
My belief is that happiness at work is a universal thing, and is an attainable goal anywhere. I’m not as familiar with China. But, I’m more familiar with Japan and its corporate culture, and I’m thinking that a Japanese translation could -definitely- go over well. KF
Alex, this is great to see.
I’m rejoicing with you. And happy for the Chinese readers who will gain an introduction to your work via this translation.
Reflecting just now on how “happy” I feel for you leads me back to a question you and I have mused on before; how and why does happiness migrate from one person to another?
Keep creating…it freaks people out,
Kiz, I take the title as “How to Control Your Happiness and Work”. But whatever it’s exact translation is, I think it conveys the right idea.
I don’t mean to be negative, but I wonder who will be buying the book in China? Overseas-educated Chinese? Chinese working in larger corporations? Esp. foreign-owned corporations?
I wonder if the majority of the Chinese workforcce will even see the book, considering how so many of them are struggling factory workers trying just to survive.
But then again, I suppose they aren’t really the target audience of this site/book. Or am I getting that wrong? Alex, do you think your thoughts and ideas (as brilliant as they are) are applicable to those working at the very bottom of society?
There are absolutely huge numbers of office workers in China who are unhappy with their work and often thirty to learn so I do see high potential for such a book in the Chinese market.
This perspective comes from working in China for the past 6 years (I am English), mainly in the education and training industry. Right now I am a curriculum development manager and one of the packages I am putting together is about being fulfilled in your job!