Updating Happy Hour is 9 to 5

Happy Hour is 9 to 5 by Alexander Kjerulf

UPDATE: The book has already gone out and I’ve received the edits, updated the manuscript and sent it in to the publisher. Thank you to everyone who helped out!!

I am currently updating my first book Happy Hour is 9 to 5 for its upcoming re-release with Pine Publishing.

I wrote the book way back in 2007 and I want to make sure that the book is properly updated and still relevant.

Would you like to help me?

I’m looking for some people to read through the book (or just parts of it) and give me their honest feedback on what I should update.

Would you like to help me out?

If so, here’s what you must do:

  1. Write a comment below – don’t forget to include your name and email address
  2. I will email you the book as a pdf e-book
  3. You read it through and send me your comments back
  4. I update the book and will be eternally grateful :o)

Thanks in advance.

46 thoughts on “Updating Happy Hour is 9 to 5”

  1. I really would love to help, so if you do not expect the response the very next day… please count me in

  2. I would be more than happy to do this. We’ve been in touch on a number of occasions thru my Twitter handle @charlotteoom and also, via email. I think your work is fabulous, and would be happy to help.

  3. Please count me in, too. Would be good to update my feeling for the business environment :))

  4. I would love to help too. This would be very helpful book for a bunch of my friends as well as myself.

  5. I love your blog and would love to help you read it! I’ve been out of college a year and a half and while I’m in my “dream job” I am struggling to find the next level of professionalism now that I’ve caught my breath (so to speak) after graduation.

    Plus (shameless plug) – I was a Communication major in college, and editing/improving comes with the territory ;)

    Congrats on the re-release!

  6. For a great course like yours, always happy to help.
    Read the present version a while back. You have done plenty of stuff since 2007 that is worth including.

  7. Hey

    I would like to read your book as PDF (or Kindle version if possible), and provide you feedback. I read a lot of management books and review them on Amazon.

    Kind regards

  8. As a Miserable Employee i would be only too happy to read your Book.
    I could then possibly Purchase the Updated Book to take to work… i think beating Management with the Hardback Copy would be the most effective use Initially though ;)

  9. In case you need another pair of eyes for reading, let me know (depending on deadline)

  10. The title is fantastic, and I am excited if there is still and opportunity to read the book. This is a topic I want to learn more about and have many great ideas about as well.

  11. Alexander, I contacted you years ago because I was in a job that was literally killing me: gained weight, aches, pains, etc.

    You sent me your book at no charge and in a year’s time I was out of that job and in a job I loved, lost weight, and my overall life was greatly improved.

    I would love to assist you in the revision of your book by reading a chapter and providing feedback. I still consult your book now as my career is going great and my own business progresses.

    I also subscribe to your feed and watch your videos. You have a gift and if I could give you back even a small ounce of what you’ve given me, I’d be honored.

  12. Have been following you for the last 3 years!!! Would be more than ready to help you in the revision of the book.

  13. I would love to help you review your book! I could give my opinion, as a Customer Service Representative.

    I love to improve processes and (try to!) find happiness at work so I hope I can be helpful.

    Best regards!

  14. Your Blog has been Inspiration Alex Since 2 years a go… especially you book.. I have implemented little by little in my HR Department..

    Great Work Chief …:)

  15. I am a teacher. Love your ideas and happy hours, too.
    If you still need eyes, I would love to try and add value to your revisions.
    Best of luck and keep up the great “work.”
    Lauri Nelson

  16. I would love to read and give some feedback … and the new year break is a great time for me to be helpful. Send it along! Debbi

  17. Dear Alexander, is there any possibility to buy your book from the Czech Republic? English version is ok too,but I tried to findout throught Internet and without success. And is there anybody who is connected to your “Way of work” in our country? I would like to know if we have chance to join and become Happy office. But at first I’d like to read more… Have a nice and happy new year 2014. M.

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