“You’d be amazed what happens once people are empowered to make decisions.”
Here’s a great article from CNN on how Denmark’s happiest workplace became so happy: they gave their employees freedom and responsibility.
This is the moment they won first place in the Danish Great Place to Work ranking:
Det lykkedes! Danmarks bedste arbejdsplads 2016. #dkfinans #GPTW_DK pic.twitter.com/yxgGjdYbDh
— MiddelfartSparekasse (@midspar) November 15, 2016
Note that this business is a Sparekasse – a Credit Union. It doesn’t have shareholders so the company goal is aligned with the clients’ goals: Good service and the lowest interest margins and other costs.
http://www.woccu.org/about/creditunion?: “Credit unions, called by various names around the world, are member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperatives that provide savings, credit and other financial services to their members…”