Ask the CHO: How do you hire a happy manager?

Nixon McInnes is a happy workplace. This web design agency based in Brighton in the UK have some great policies including: No dress code Employees set their own working hours open salaries (ie. everyone knows what everyone else is paid) They’re also doing very well and will be needing another manager soon, so director Tom … Continue reading Ask the CHO: How do you hire a happy manager?

Happiness for knowledge workers

Yesterday I spoke at a half-day conference about stress for knowledge workers. And I kicked ass, if I do say so myself :o) That new presentation format I designed back in November is really working well! Knowledge workers are architects, designers, writers, programmers, etc… People whose input and output of work is immaterial, rather than … Continue reading Happiness for knowledge workers

Ask the CHO: Motivation for production workers?

As I wrote about previously, my post on motivation was translated into Chinese by Robin at Even the diagram is in Chinese :o) Robin then emailed me with the following question: From my point of view, your thinking about the motivation is exactly what I am seeking in my job. I believe that most … Continue reading Ask the CHO: Motivation for production workers?