Tag Archives: featured

Using the Science of Happiness to Create Happier and More Successful Companies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLFbfednmi4 Happy workplaces are more profitable and innovative, attract the best employees and have lower absenteeism and employee turnover rates. Simply put, happy companies make more money. But how do you create a happy workplace? Many companies try and fail because they focus on the wrong things. Some of the best answers are found in the happiness science … Continue Reading ››

11 government policies that promote happiness at work to give a country a competitive advantage

Discussing public policy in Dubai

Given that happy companies have significant competitive advantages, governments have a strong interest in enacting public policies that promote happiness at work in their country. But what exactly could a government do to achieve this? At the World Government Summit in Dubai earlier this … Continue Reading ››

The 20 most common objections to happiness at work and why they’re wrong

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxF7QYDXqPs It seems weird, but some people are against happiness at work. Very serious pundits and cynics are coming out of the woodwork to declare that happiness at work is stupid, impossible, naïve, silly, manipulative and/or bad for you. They're wrong and their criticisms often reveal a fundamental lack of understanding of the happiness research. I was getting tired … Continue Reading ››