I’m a cool friend – of Tom Peters’

Tom PetersSo not only was my blog celebrated as an antidote for Adultitis – yet another accolade has been bestowed on me: I’m now one of Tom Peter’s cool friends. Other cool friends of Tom’s include Seth Godin, Robert Scoble, Ze Frank and Dan Pink, all of whom are now in great company. Mine :o)

There’s an excellent interview with yours truly up on tompeters.com, which manages to both cover a lot of ground (it gets faaaaairly philosophical at times – in a good way) while at the same time giving a pretty good overview of my thinking on happiness at work. This is mostly due to the excellent questions asked Erik Hansen who conducted the interview.

The interview is introduced with these words:

According to our new Cool Friend Alex Kjerulf, the Scandinavian languages have a word, arbejdsglæde, that means “work happiness” whereas the Japanese have the word karoshi, meaning “death by overwork” (We’re hoping you feel particularly Scandinavian today).

So if you’re feeling Scandinavian today too, why not go read the interview.

6 thoughts on “I’m a cool friend – of Tom Peters’”

  1. Wow, Alex I am so impressed…Tom Peters is my hero, my ultimate guest for The Engaging Brand…so now I can say I maybe haven’t got to speak to Tom but his cool friend Alex!

    It’s been ages by the way we need to hook up again …well done, great accolade and one that you truly deserve


  2. Congratulations Alex! You are a cool friend of all of us, and we have so much to learn from you.

    Glad you got some big exposure from Tom Peters and company. Maybe we can all remember to be happier at work now that your ideas been exposed a bit more?

  3. This is indeed extremely cool Alex – well done!
    Hope the sun’s shining in Denmark. Don’t forget to drop me a line when you’re next heading to the UK.

  4. Pingback: More accolades

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