I’m in the New York Times

New York Times

Not only did my article on why “The Customer is Always Right” is wrong generate quite a stir last week (and a lot of great comments) – it also got mentioned in the New York Times!! Woo-hoooooo!!!

And there’s more: if you’re in New Zealand – tune in to Afternoons With Jim Mora on Radio New Zealand National on Tuesday April 1 – there will be a long interview with yours truly.

I think it’s fantastic to see how much interest there is in happiness at work in general and in me and my work specifically! Here are some more of my recent media appearances.

7 thoughts on “I’m in the New York Times”

  1. I discovered your blog through that New York Times mention, and I have posted a link to “The Customer is Always Right” article to the “I Work at Borders” Live Journal Community (customer issues are a frequent topic in that community, as you can imagine). Anyway, I’m delighted to discover you and your work. What a terrific resource!

  2. Hi Alexander,

    A client of mine suggested that I visit your site, and I liked it so much that I blogged about your New York Times success in today’s post. I hope you will check it out, and I hope many of my blog readers will now become fans of yours. Best wishes.

  3. Alex, You are absolutely right. The workplace is a social environment and a disgruntled or unreasonable customer has no right to disrupt that environment. If employees are relatively happy and they can expect to be supported against unreasonable attacks from customers, the chances are that they will treat other customers with respect.

    Saying that the customer is always right is oftten wrong.

    Dale Paulson

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