One of the most gratifying things about my work, is to see how it is spreading across the world. I’m based in Denmark where the idea of happiness at work is so ingrained and commonplace, that there is even a word for it in the dictionary: Arbejdsglæde.
But more and more companies around the world are waking up to the importance of creating a workplace where employees actually like coming. For instance, I just spoke at a conference in The Bahamas and went from there to Dublin where I gave a speech to the UK division of Philip Morris.
Also, I’ve been getting a lot of press internationally – from Canada to Pakistan. Here are some of my recent international media apperances:
Chief Executive China: Happiness at work – a Chinese translation of the first chapter of my book Happy Hour is 9 to 5.
Elemente Magazine, Canada: Shiny happy people (go to page 66). It’s an excellent article with some great pics of beautifully designed workplaces.
AOL Canada: How to be Happy: A Better Life at Work. An interview with me.
The Pakistani Spectator: Interview with the Chief Happiness Officer. An email interview with me.
Christian Science Monitor: Why More Offices Are Going to the Dogs. I give my take on dogs and other pets in the office.
Strictly Business Magazine, South Africa: Innovation with a smile. An article by me on how happiness at work improves innovation.
Chronicle Herald, Canada: Put People First. Interview with me.
Sales and Marketing, Lithuania: “The Customer is Always Right” is Wrong. An article of mine.
I’m also all over the Danish media – from business papers to women’s magazines and of course, I was recently on the BBC and mentioned in the New York Times.